Stall Holder Info

Saturday 5 July 2025

10am - 3.00pm

Rotorua Energy Events Centre

Queens Drive, Rotorua 3010

This indoor winter market guarantees the event will go ahead - with no worries about wind or rain or cancellations 

- and with toilet & cafe/bar facilities nearby - you will be comfy & cosy all day long.

​If you are interested in having a table / stall at the 2025 event please see detail below:

Directions to Rotorua EEC


BOOKING FORM LINK - new 2025 venue details


The 2025 Craft Market & Costume Exhibit is on Saturday 5 July 2025 and this year will be held at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre.

The winter Craft Market for 2025 will be held at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre, with easy load in access directly off the main foyer or rear entrance. 

The Rotorua Energy Events Centre offers plenty of free carparking and will have a café running on the Saturday to ensure you can also remain caffeinated and fueled throughout the weekend.

The object of the Costumiers’ Fantasy Masquerade Ball weekend craft market is to have quality artisan products, clothing/costumes, crafts & wares available for sale which would primarily be of interest to the types of guests attending our Masquerade Ball weekend event, while also offering something to the general public who are also freely welcome to attend.

  • Please read the details & terms & conditions carefully.
  • Please complete & submit the application form (see link above)

Once your application has been accepted, an email with payment details and tax invoice will be sent to you. Your stall booking is ‘held’ but not confirmed until payment in full has been received. ‘Holds’ may be released after 28 days from invoice especially if there is a waitlist for stalls from other vendors.


Email at least two clean high-resolution photos of your products as soon as possible 

You’re welcome to supply as many high-resolution, good quality images of your products as you wish. The event organisers will select the best images to suit the marketing & promotional spaces. Do not supply images embedded on a word doc file or montaged images.

Failure to provide high resolution photographs may mean your stall / products may not be promoted via social media posts, promotions, advertisements etc, and your website listing will show without imagery. Images supplied late and/or once artwork has been designed or the event promotions begin cannot be guaranteed to be updated or included into further marketing materials.

We look forward to working with you and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards
Rozanne de Wild - Event Manager
Shae Cook - Craft Market & Costume Competition Manager


It is a condition of entry to the Craft market that stallholders agree to be bound by these rules:

  1. Items should preferably be made by the stall holder. 
    Stall holder contribution to a finished product should outweigh the contribution of any commercial components used in the making of that product. 
    Skills in craftsmanship, as well as creative abilities, ingenuity, and design skills, are examples of stall holder contribution.

  2. The organising committee will also consider good quality upcycled clothing, costumes, and/or props, along with stands displaying quality imported (not mass produced) products. This includes but is not limited to vintage / themed clothing, hats, wigs, bespoke fabrics & vintage or unique haberdashery items.

  3. Consideration will be given on a case-to-case basis and products determined on the ability to enhance the market overall.

  4. Stall spaces are limited.

  5. ONLY products approved by the organiser may be sold at the Craft Market. This is at the organising committee discretion

  6. The organising committee withholds the right to refuse entry to the market of any stall holder or any product deemed unfitting to the event.

  7. Pack in  (via Arena 3 side doors)
    Friday 10am – 12pm then 2pm – 4pm
    Doors closed & locked between 12pm & 2pm 
    Doors closed & locked at 4pm, until Saturday AM 
    Saturday 8am – 9.45am

  8. All Stall holders must be onsite by no later than 9am on the Saturday and be set up by no later than 9:45am
    Do not PACK DOWN at all until 3:00pm

  9. Pack down / pack out 
    Saturday 3pm – 4.15pm, doors close & locked at 4.15pm, until Sunday AM. 
    Sunday 8am – 9am

  10. Stalls are not to be left unattended for longer than 15 minutes. 
    If you require a break from your stand for more than 15 minutes, please ensure you have someone to mind it for you who is also capable to handling inquiries or sales.

  11. Any sharing of stalls must be approved by the organiser

  12. One trestle table and one chair will be provided per stall. If you require more tables let us know.
    Table will be black tableclothed. If power required, you must supply your own safety tagged power leads & junction box.

  13. Exhibition panels / dividers 
    Due to the high cost of hiring exhibition panels/dividers, our 2025 craft market will only have panels / dividers through the middle of the room space as shown on the room plan (in yellow)  
    If you want dividers/panels for either one or both sides of your stall, they are $38 + GST ($43.70) each to hire – and need to be pre-booked. 
    Indicate this on your booking form below. This cost will be added to your invoice. 
    Panels are 2.3m H x 1.2m W. Max 1 panel per side of each stall may be booked (so dividers do not to encroach on the walkways)

  14. Stall depth
    Stalls are 2.4m deep
    Exception: stalls Q1 - Q5 are 2m deep

  15. Stall booking 
    Your stall booking is ‘held’ but not confirmed until payment in full has been received. 
    Your stall “hold” is temporary and may be released if: a) payment in full is not received within 28 days of invoice, and b) there is a waitlist for stalls or another request for your chosen stall, upon which the hold on this stall and outstanding invoice will be cancelled and the stall release back to the waitlist.

  16. Cancellations: 
    If stall cancel before 1 May 2025 - fee fully refundable 
    If stall cancel after 1 May 2025 - fee non-refundable* and forfeited back to the organiser.

  17. In the event you wish to cancel your booking, the stallholder shall not transfer their stall to another vendor, without the prior discussion and agreeance from the organising committee. The organising committee will keep a list of vendors on a waiting list and if able to on-sale the stand space, *50% of the stand fee will be refunded.

  18. All stalls must comply with the Rotorua Lakes Council bylaws and statutory requirements

  19. Should the stall holder cause ANY DAMAGE to the Rotorua Energy Events Centre facilities in any form or manner, the stall holder understands that they are fully liable for the costs and any charges of returning the facilities to its original state.

  20. Posters, banners and otherwise may NOT be affixed to the walls of the venue by any means. Any damaged caused by the stall holder understands they are fully liable for the costs and charges of returning the facilities to its original state.

  21. All stall holders are responsible for the safety and security of their possessions, product, stock or otherwise.

  22. Stall holders are responsible for the safe and secure set up of their stalls, racks and displays. All free-standing mannequins and displays must be stable and should not be of a height greater than 1.8m without prior arrangement. Any display deemed unsafe may be removed by the organiser.

  23. No responsibility will be taken by Management for the success or otherwise of individual stalls.

  24. All rubbish is to be removed by stall holders – your space shall be left clean and clear, as per how your found it on your arrival.

  25. The markets organising committee’s decision on entry, eligibility, position, configuration etc. is final, and subject to change without notice should it be necessary to do so.​